James Gambaccini CFP®

Phone (703) 293-3100
James Gambaccini
Financial Planner, Managing Partner

What is your favorite quote and why? “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale. I believe that if you don’t like the world around you, change the way you perceive it. It will allow you to have a better outlook on life.

What is your personal philosophy?  My personal philosophy is to try to make everyone I meet better off for having known me. In the smallest of everyday gestures such as smiling at the barista at Starbucks, down to the closest relationships with my family and clients. I strive to improve the lives of those around me.

When you are not at the office, you can often be found doing what? In the midst of an adventure or planning my next adventure. Spending time with my children and those closest to me, working on an old car, or racing around on a motorcycle. But most of all, I enjoy quiet walks or bike rides in the woods.

If you could spend the day with anyone, who would it be and what would you want to learn? Leonardo DiVinci. To learn what it takes to see beyond what the world currently has to offer.

For what in life do you feel most grateful? The ability to have an open mind and to see opportunity everywhere.

What is the best advice you have ever received? My father always told me to keep it as small as you can for as long as you can. Life doesn’t need to be complicated. He said the value of keeping it small holds true for businesses, relationships, and waistlines.

The best part of working at Acorn is: hearing our client’s life stories, where they came from, how they got to where they are, and where they want to head. Helping them achieve those goals is even better.

My kids always make fun of me for: my bad Dad jokes.

The best book I have ever read is: “The Pearl” – John Steinbeck

The one thing I couldn’t live without is: olives.

My dream vacation is: a season long Alaskan wilderness tour.

Full Bio

James joined the Acorn Financial family in 2003 as a Financial Planner and became the sole owner and managing partner of the firm in 2012.

Previously, James worked as a Financial Advisor at American Express Financial Advisors. James also has many years of experience as a seasoned entrepreneur in the restaurant business. He holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Corporate Finance and Financial Services from the University of Akron (Akron, OH). In his graduate studies, he has earned his CFP® (CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER) from The College for Financial Planning (Denver, CO). He is a Registered Principal of The Strategic Financial Alliance, Inc. and a Registered Investment Advisor with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

James has been quoted in many publications over the years both domestically and internationally, including: Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, ABC News, Reuters, Wealth Management, Charlotte Observer, Miami Herald, Salt Lake Tribune, The Globe, The Seattle Times, Pittsburgh Tribune, Ottawa Citizen (Canada), and York Daily (England) covering topics ranging from investments, estate planning, wealth protection, economics, and practice/business management.

During his career, James also wrote the forward to The Wealth Solution with the Nobel Prize winner in Economic Sciences, Dr. Harry M. Markowitz writing the afterword.

He has served on several Boards of Directors/Advisory Boards and continues to do so today. He currently serves to help better his profession by taking an active membership in various industry organizations.

Outside of work, James enjoys adventurous outdoor activities with his four children and traveling the world.

Acorn Financial Services
1875 Campus Commons Drive
Suite 100
Reston, VA 20191
Phone 703-293-3100

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